Slurry River _ 48″ x 24″_Steel and dye on paperUrban Residue 1 _ 24″ x 20″_Steel, acrylic and print on canvasUrban Residue 2 _ 24″ x 17″_Steel, acrylic and print on canvasStrata Rings_52″x52″_Acrylic on canvasShe Soaks the Strata_60″x60″_Acrylic on canvasShe Soaks Soil_60″x60″_Acrylic and ink on canvasDouble Negative _ 36″ x 36″_Oil on canvasCharcoal, salt on canvas 3_36″x36″The Birds are the Keepers of Our Secrets _ 36″ x 52″_Oil, acrylic and hemp on canvasConception_66″ x 66″_Charcoal on canvasSalt and Charcoal _ 66″ x 66″Plant Tablet _ 18″ x 24″_Plant material, acrylic on woodHerriman Depository _ 48″ x 48″_Acrylic and steel on wood panelLeif Rising _ 36″ x 48″_Print and oil on canvasStrata_50″50″_Acrylic and paper on canvasStrata-Storage_52″x52″_Charcoal on paperStrata-FourDeep_48″x48″_Charcoal and paper on wood panelStrata-Divergence_52″x52″_Charcoal on paperIt Spreads_36″x48″_Oil, acrylic and hemp on canvasGrate Droppings _ 60″ x 48″_Detritus on canvasTomb to Womb _ 18″ x 24″_Beeswax and hempContagious_48″x36″_Oil, acrylic & hemp on wood panelLeave Nothing but the Bones _ 12″ x 12″_Steel, crushed bone and beeswax on wood panelYou Don’t Own This _ 12″ x 12″_Steel and beeswax on wood panelSoil Soak _ 48″ x 100″ Raw canvas was attached to a concrete wall. Compost material was piled at the foot of each canvas to make dirt to document the process.Copulatory Transformation_60″ x 50″_Acrylic, oil and print on canvasAscending Soul & Descending Soul (diptych)_50″ x 60″ each_Acrylic and oil on canvasDirt in the Ground_50″ x 60″_Acrylic and print on canvasCondensation Cube Exterior _ 10″ steel cube, refrigerator with pedestal, electricity and air conditionsThere’s Something Underneath Us_24″x24″_Acrylic and paper on canvasInert Subway – Anterior _ 48″ x 52″_Oil on canvasInert Subway – Posterior _ 48″ x 52″Oil on canvas